All About Studying

study tips

5 Effective Studying Tips for Working Students

working and studying tips

Working and studying at the same time is full of challenges. Here are some effective studying tips for working students to help maintain the balance. There are a lot of reasons why students need to work while studying. It can be because of financial constraints, family obligations, or it can be a personal choice for […] Read more…

10 Best Ways To Study and Memorize Effectively

ways to study

Trying to find techniques to study and remember? Here are some effective tips to study and memorize for your test or final exam. Memorizing is many people’s kryptonite, not that I can blame them because it certainly isn’t my strength either. Study and memorize are two terms that usually go hand-in-hand when it comes to […] Read more…

How To Study Well In College: 10 Study Strategies For University

college study tips

Learn how to study well in college. Try out some proven study techniques and effective study strategies for college students. College is another level of school work and studying. With more independence, college students may find themselves having to improve their concentration and study skills. With technology at our fingertips (literally), college students may find […] Read more…

6 Tips for Parents To Their Child Focused On Studies

parents help kid focus on schoolwork

For parents, keeping their child focused on their studies might not come easy. Here are some tips to help keep your kid focus on their schoolwork. For parents, getting their children to focus on their studies is one of the most challenging parts of their life. We all know that education plays a huge influence […] Read more…